
Dunston Hall history

Our colleagues over at the Chesterfield & District Civic Society have been looking at the history of Dunston Hall, as part of a planning application response.

Part of the out-buildings, the subject of the application, comprise a number of cruck frames – a type of timber construction. The civic society concludes that:

‘the survival of substantial remains of such an extensive range of cruck framed farm buildings associated with a well-documented gentry house is important, since so often such buildings have been swept away when the main house has been rebuilt or a modern home farm built. It would be unwise to claim that the buildings at Dunston are unique, but they appear to be the largest range of this type anywhere in north Derbyshire or south Yorkshire.

Source: Chesterfield and District Civic Society, Observations on Listed Building Application CHE/22/00111/LBC, Dunston Hall, Dunston Road, Chesterfield: Conversion of outbuilding into function room

To read about the history of Dunston Hall visit the civic society’s page on the planning application and download their observations report from the website.